Innovative mobile app features.

Features That The Norm For Modern Mobile App Development

In the digital world, besides COVID-19, things that have been gaining a lot of attention are mobile apps.

Be it to facilitate contactless delivery, Coronavirus symptom tracking, Enterprise mobile app development, or providing excellent classroom experience with AR apps equivalent to real classroom efficiency, mobile apps are all that prevails.

There are a plethora of reasons for stating so. We are not merely talkers without proof, so let’s review some legit statistics related to mobile users and apps that we procured from Data Portal, App Annie, and Sensor Tower.

Total mobile internet users
Android and ios market size.
  1. 4.17 billion total mobile internet users
  2. Cumulative amount spent by users of the App Store and Google Play Store was approx. $83.5 billion in 2019, an increase of 17% from $71.3 billion in 2018.
  3. 2.4% (+121 million) increase in mobile users in July 2020 than July 2019.
  4. In 2019, global mobile app downloads reached 204 billion, with China (over 90 billion), India (nearly 20 billion), and the US (over 10 billion) ranking as the top 3 countries.

Digital’s role in helping people 2020.

Digital's role in helping people
Digital’s role in helping people 2020.

Here is data of people spending more time with device.

Spending time with devices.
Spending time with devices.

For someone like you still contemplating whether to hop on the multi-platform app development bandwagon or not, we have one to say – Do it sooner than later. 

Even if you set out on creating an impeccable mobile app with the help of a competent Mobile application development company, there is no guarantee of your app’s success.

So far, we know there are at least 2 million apps of App Store alone, a number increasing as we speak. Why do you think anyone would choose your app? What sets it apart from others? 

We hope the answer is its impeccable features. But so is the answer of every entrepreneur with their mobile app, is it not? 

Thus, your app has to be relevant with likewise features. It should serve the need of the hour to grab the most attention. 

So, let’s discuss the features your app must have to grab at least a couple million eyes in 2020 and beyond.

Cloud functionality apps.

Cloud technology had been bagging a lot of praises for almost a decade now. Cloud mobile apps have also been beneficial in the time of the pandemic. 

When offices and educational institutions went digital, cloud-based apps came to save the day. In a report by Cisco, cloud apps drove almost 90% of total mobile data traffic by the end of 2019. OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox are the precursor of this trend, and a lot of potentials of Cloud remains to be explored. 

Mobile traffic vs Wed traffic
Mobile traffic vs Wed traffic
Utilize responsive app design.

For the size of smartphones, there is no standard size any more. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some smartphones are more like a tablet now with screens as big as them. 

Thus, you need an app with a responsive UI design to offer a seamless experience to the users. This way, your app will adjust beautifully with any resolution allowing you to target a broad user base with multiple types of devices.

Adhere to GDPR Standards.

Most apps are developed to expand their reach to the global user base. What developers and entrepreneurs may neglect is the security and related regulations of each country.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) law looks after the safety and cybersecurity of EU member state residents’ data. Thus, if your mobile app aims towards this user base, it is better to comply with this law. It will make sure your app is seen as a safe product for use.

Cross-platform is trending.

Cross-platform application development burst into a popular norm after it arrived in the app development space. Upon juxtaposing this service with native apps, cross-platform impresses in many aspects. 

It is time-efficient, cost-efficient, needs fewer resources, etc. All in all, it offers the most bang for the buck since you only need to develop a single app to target audiences from multiple platforms.

It is better to use the latest cross-platform app development frameworks that render the superior features and functionalities to the apps.

Offline functionality.

Offline functionality is one of the features that ensure the efficiency of your mobile app for users.

Where an internet connection is a basic need in some countries, there are many areas where it is unstable at best. Thus, offline is a significant feature to add. Depending on the purpose and USPs of your app, you can pick a few essential elements that are the most practical.

This way, most of the features containing sensitive data will work on the online mode, with the necessities accessible even without the internet connection.

Low code app development.

For small and startup businesses, custom mobile app development services are like a money-draining hole in the pocket. The complexity of the development is reducible with the help of low code app development platforms. 

The low code app development is a perfect substitute for mobile apps requiring a hefty amount of manual coding. The low code apps are scalable, which is ideal for any growing business. It is something gaining momentum and will continue to do so in 2021 as well.

Integrating Next-gen technologies as per features.

Technologies such as Blockchain, AR, AI, and IoT have influenced every sector. Most recently, we have seen the potential of AR in education and how AI can help in recruiting

Depending on the features of your app, you must implement the benefits of these technologies to facilitate your app users.

There is a lot left to explore in terms of features that make an app user favorite. Also, the requirements an app must fulfill to become the safest, secure, and overall best version of the app in its category.

We hope you enjoy this blog. If you have any query or questions we will pleased to assist you. 


3 thoughts on “Features That The Norm For Modern Mobile App Development”

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