
How Eventbrite Mobile App Changing Event Planning & Management

Eventbrite Mobile App Changing Event Planning & Management


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In this blog, I’m going to explain to you, How event planning apps like Eventbrite changing the way of organizing all types of events and how Eventbrite mobile app making it easy for the organizers and users to interact with each other.

Organizing an event is a tremendous task for the organizers.

Why I’m saying so?

Because for organizing an event you need to take care of dynamic attributes of an event.

For example -take a music concert event in New York, USA. Now think of what are key focus areas where an organizer has to work on.

It might be like selling tickets, marketing the event, Entry management, booking the venue, Security concern, food and beverages, and many more things.

So, to smoothen down the work of both the user and organizer, Eventbrite provides a platform that manages the event in a more organized and Optimize way.

Let’s get into the details of the Eventbrite Business Model.

First let’s understand, what is Event planing?

The “Official definition” (US Dept of Labor)

Event Planning consists of coordinating every detail of meetings and conventions, from the speakers and meeting location to arranging for printed materials and audio-visual equipment.
Event planning begins with determining the objective that the sponsoring organization wants to achieve. Planners choose speakers, entertainment, and content, and arrange the program to present the organization’s information in the most effective way.

Meeting planners are responsible for selecting meeting sites, prospective attendees and how to get them to the meeting.

Source- https://institute-of-event-management.com/what-is-event-planning

This definition of event planning implies that an imperative aspect of event planning. And how a mobile app like Eventbrite helps in fulfilling the dreams, that we are going to discuss next.

What is Eventbrite and how it works?

Everything in our digital world — business, art, communication — happens on the screens of computers and mobile devices. But there are things which people still enjoy in real life.

Apps for event planning offer a humongous agglomeration between the virtual and the real world.

 Eventbrite is a global online marketplace for live experiences that enables its users to search for events, they can find, and also they can create events. Events include a birthday party, Marriage party, festival events, marathons, conferences, hackathons, music contests, seminars, protest & political rallies, charity events, gaming competitions, school competition and more.

The social online-platform allows for event organizers to prepare plans, marketing online, and sell online tickets to events. It also helps attendees to buy tickets for these experiences.

Background of Eventbrite

This online ticketing platform was founded in 2006 by Kevin Hartz ( worked in PayPal), his wife Julia Hartz, and Renaud Visage (CTO). Eventbrite also had four acquisitions and opened multiple offices in different countries. The company is based in San Francisco, where it employs nearly 300 people.

Till now, Eventbrite has upheld a total of $332.3 million in funding, including  Tiger Management and T. Rowe Price, with their support amounting to as much as $60 million. Thanks to all this investment and the company’s achievements on the market, Eventbrite is valued at around $1.8 billion.

Current situation of Eventbrite

As of  May 2019, the company accounted for 187 countries hosting events with Eventbrite, generate around $3.2 billion from selling more than 1.1 billion tickets.

There is a massive surge in growth, Eventbrite is doing extremely well. Though the company reported financial losses of $15.6 million over January and June 2019 (Because of huge expenses on marketing), Eventbrite reported a year-to-year growth of 45.1% in net revenue.

How does Eventbrite help its users through the app?

First, let understand the types of users of Eventbrite.

There are two customer groups of Eventbrite.

The First customer group consists of users who attend the event, use the platform to search for, purchase the event tickets online.

The Second customer group encompasses the event organizers, who use Eventbrite to help plan various events such as live music concerts, corporate events, festival events, government events and more.

Basic features of the Eventbrite app for searching the event :

  • Classification by categories based on user location (via GPS) and other locations as well.
  • In-app ticket purchasing via different payment gateways like Stripe, Braintree, or PayPal and with refund policy as well.
  • Ticket management (like a digital wallet for tickets)
  • Personalized event recommendations by using A.I.

The website allows users to get real experience and engage in their social activities preference. They are able to find locations according to their interests and also types of events.

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How the Eventbrite app helps the organizers?

 Eventbrite creates value addition by accelerating the processes of event planning, marketing, and ticket selling. Through Eventbrite, platform Organizers are also able to explore various resources on event management and planning, such as free planning and marketing templates, live demonstrations and the latest research and reports of the market, user’s choice, etc.

Features for organizers:

1.Entry Management

Eventbrite offers a wide variety of services to provide event organizers a smooth and appropriate experience, starting from a standard barcode scanning feature in the Eventbrite Organizer app to add-on tools such as RFID sensors and NFC bracelets and box-office kits.

2.Event Marketing

As the penetration of the internet goes on increasing the digital marketing expenses of the organizing company is also increasing.

Eventbrite mobile app offers a variety of services and integrations to promote events, from integration with different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and many more digital platforms.

3.Digital Payment

Eventbrite provides its own payment gateway as well as Paypal and other gateways.

Eventbrite also helps organizers to use point of sale terminals with the integration of Square (payment gateway), which can also receive cashless payments from credit and debit cards and phones with NFC technology.

4.Tickets Formation

There are seven types of tickets:

  • General ticket — the basic and the most common ticket type
  • Star ticket — pro tickets
  • Early bird discount ticket — In the presale period, the price of tickets is on the lower side.
  • Coded referral discount ticket — through promo code you can get the discount
  • Reserved seating ticket —options to select seats
  • Multi-day passes — tickets for repeated or long-term events
  • One-day passes — one-time tickets that allow users to visit a day of events.

Eventbrite also allows event organizers to design their own paper design or electronic tickets with QR codes scanner so it becomes easier for users to check-in the event.

5.Post-Event Analyses

Through Eventbrite analysis tools, the organizer can learn about the ticket sales, the number of attendees, Source of traffic and feedback from attendees.

How Eventbrite gets there income?

Eventbrite’s main pedigree of revenue generation is a percentage cut from each ticket sold for an event. This approach benefits event organizers by letting them get rid of the ticket selling headache while also turning a huge profit for Eventbrite.

Eventbrite online platform (Mobile app) offers three packages — Essential, Professional, and Premium.

For the Essential package, the company takes 2% commission from each ticket sold.

For the Professional platform, the company takes 3.5% per ticket sold. That’s in addition to a 3.5% credit card processing fee and a $0.99 charge on each ticket sold

Charges for the Premium package are as per the user requirement and based on a minimum number of the ticket.

Online ticketing is a relatively new business, whose boundaries are still being worked out.


We at Appther Mobility Technology Pvt.Ltd. developed a mobile app named EventHogs (Headquarter-Virginia, USA )which is a Mobile application that provides users the ability to share what they know about interesting facts and/or events happening within the community, or search and find information that is shared by others.

EventHogs mobile app helps people from different cultures, places, communities to come together and share the love by the mean of events and post sharing.

For developing such an appealing mobile app, please contact Appther mobility technology. They wheel your idea into reality.

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