Mobile Apps Are Main Source of Business Growth

What Elements Make Mobile Apps the Main Source of Business Growth?

In the era we are operating in, the need to opt for mobile applications to perform everyday business processes has become unquestionable. Right from chatting with colleagues to tracking employee absent count or collaborating on a project, mobile applications have made themselves pivotal to business operations, across categories. While this is only for B2B, its importance in the B2C goes way beyond (more on that later)

There are still a number of businesses that are losing out on this opportunity by doubting the benefits of the technology in their space. The sad reality is that the more time they spend sitting on the fence, the higher would be the speed at which their competition would expand into new business models and gain a competitive edge.

In this article, we are going to talk about the many benefits of having a mobile app if you are an enterprise or any sized business. The intent here for us is to help you get off the fence and invest in enterprise application development.

Without any further ado, let us jump right into the reasons that make mobile apps the source of business revenue and fame growth for every B2C company.

5 Reasons That Makes Mobile Apps a Must-Have Element of Your Business Growth

1. Provide greater value to the customers
The primary reason behind the creation of a mobile application is to build and better customer interaction around your services or products. Apps offer you a lot of scopes to increase the user value count – loyalty programs bettering customer retention, notifications increasing the customers’ foot count, etc. the possibilities are endless. All you will have to do is ensure that you are on the devices they are frequenting.

2. Growth in sales count
Through the mode of promotions, push notifications, and discounts, mobile apps have become a major source of motivating customers to buy from them. You can contact the users who have installed your application and ask them what they want from you as a brand to become loyal customers to up your marketing game.
Mobile applications also enable you to make use of the geolocation facility and promote your business to customers right when they are in the geographical area of your business.

3. Better end-user experience
Mobile apps have a way to make your brand available to customers in real-time. Your customers can talk to chatbots in real-time to get information about a product or service, place orders within the app, make payment through trusted gateways – all without stepping out of their houses for even a minute.
Besides the ease of making transactions, mobile apps have a way to make the buyer journey convenient – they provide all the product information, service reviews, what to expect, in one place.

4. Opens gate of promotion
A simple social media integration can open your business to promotions. Your customers, when they love your product and your application, will automatically become your brand evangelists. They will promote your app and quality on social media, opening your brand to greater sales prospects.
Even if they don’t themselves, you can always push them to mention your brand or simply follow you on your social channels by offering them discounts or other offers.

5. Build a brand recognition
If we have to sit down and make a list of every brand that enjoyed unprecedented fame at the back of mobile apps, it will take days before we reach the end. But think of the Starbucks app or Disney application and you will realize that mobile apps have helped them not just increase the footfall and the following sales count but also have gotten them global fame that otherwise would have taken years to happen.

All you need is a set of features that speak true to your brand and offer a competitive edge and you can ensure a high increase in brand recognition.

Now the one thing common in all the benefits that we mentioned above is the presence of a good feature-set – one that is designed to give you a competitive edge.

As the next and concluding part of the article, let us look into some of the features that make mobile apps a key to your business revenue and recognition growth.

Features That Makes Apps a Great Choice For Business Growth

Intuitive search engine
Every application, irrespective of which domain you fall in, requires an intuitive search engine. By intuitive we mean an AI-enabled search functionality that comes with autocomplete and multiple optional features. The search engine should be designed to understand synonyms, associated words, spellings, and user intent.

Related services/products
Another AI-enabled element that has become a key to increasing user session time in-app is the related products or services section. Your application should show customers what others who searched for things that they searched for looked at or bought to increase the sales count up a notch. A great example of this is the Amazon and Netflix application. They both do a great job at keeping the users engaged within the application.

Real-time chat
A key to keeping users engaged or not leave disheartened is to have real-time chat functionality in the application. The reality is, the number of people who make calls to reach a business has declined immensely compared to those who prefer chats.
In order to offer a good experience to your customers, you should think about integrating a chatbot into the application.

Push notifications
Push notifications are a sure shot way to keep users engaged with the application and become repeat users. The functionality when timed right can help you reach your customers at a time when they are looking to make a purchase or find some information that your business can provide.

Multi-payment gateways
It is the need of the hour for every application – irrespective of the domain or category – to have secure lines of multi-payment gateways added in them. The users and customers should be given multiple options to choose from when they reach the payment stage.

As a business, you should ensure that the APIs or third-party service providers you are using are secure and robust enough to handle high concurrency.

Parting Words.

So here were the reasons that make apps a great source of revenue and fame growth and the features that make it possible. If there is anything you would like to discuss further to answer you are unsure of why investing in mobile apps are a good business choice, get in touch with our business developers.

At Appther, we are known to hand-hold businesses as they make the transformation towards digitalization. We would love to help you in the journey too.

[Also, Read: Why deadlines are essential for business?]

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