Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

Some Tactics to Reduce the Cost of Mobile App Development

Business is all about versatility and market standard adoption or even go beyond them with your ground-breaking innovations. What it is not about is being set in your own ways.

Since the disruption by technology, businesses have long moved to digital platforms while also maintaining a firm hold in the market otherwise. 

After the web, its predecessor mobile platforms have taken the throne. Their need and demand have become so adamant that you cannot expect a business to survive the competition or the changing mood of users without a business app to hold your back.

In the domain of application development, we have seen a lot of advancements from native to cross-platform to hybrid apps. While all this may overwhelm someone who knows nothing about mobility solutions, one is always wondering about the expenses and how to reduce the mobile app development cost.  

So, what are we waiting for? We have all the tips up our sleeves on mobile app development cost reduction and you are all ears!

Make sure to create product requirements once and for all

Remember, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”? That’s the mantra right there. Effective and strategized planning has so much potential in making the whole development process as easy as a pie. And in terms of costs, you can definitely avoid some unnecessary miscellaneous expenses here and there. 

For instance, it is always better to create a document called PRD (Product Requirement Document) in which you state all the features, product objectives/ideas, platforms, UI/UX design requirements, to name a few. 

You can also state your requirements informally. However, the bottleneck here is the fact that this may lead to confusion and misunderstanding among teams, which may eventually end up making this worse. Worst case scenario, you might have to re-do some part of the product. 

Instances are like are always the biggest contributors to increase the estimated mobile app development cost.

What’s better In-house or Outsource?

This question and the debate on it is on the loop for years now. While some may advocate going in-house is much more streamlined or convenient, others may swear by outsourcing. So, which is it?

Well, instead of a one-worded answer, we will break the whole thing down for you to decide. 

Going in-house means investing a lot of capital in the purchase of new technologies and tools, hiring developers, business analysts, designers, Q/A testers, product managers, project managers, and whatnot. 

And let’s not even start on setting the whole process for development. In-house is ideal for organizations that have the capacity to entertain enormous expenses for solely their one product.

On the contrary, Outsourcing is ideal for mid-sized, SMEs, or startups who want to develop a business app that is also cost-effective. Hiring mobile app developers in the USA will relieve you from all the stress and capital. The team of professionals already have everything they would want to create your impeccable mobile app.

Native or cross-platform?

A lot of the entrepreneurs scratch their heads in confusion at this stage. Native apps are the apps that are meant for only one platform such as iOS or Android. These apps require unique codebase and dedicated tools and resources such as iOS app developers.

In the case of cross-platform apps, the code is open-source hence it saves the time to code twice (for iOS and Android app separately). One code will work remarkably on all platforms, i.e., one cross-platform app can work on all platforms.

This saves a lot of time, effort, resources, and definitely money, making it the most efficient choice among the two. 

Employ optimum tech-stack

Each tool and technology differs and plays a vital role in enabling your app with the desired features. The tech stack for an app includes programming languages used in the development, frameworks employed, and tools in use by the programmers and designers.

Choosing outdated technologies may save you some bucks during the development itself, but your app mighty becomes obsolete quicker than you expect because of the changing technology. Therefore, investing in good tools and technology, in the beginning, will pay multi-folds indirectly.

Also, you can reduce the overall cost of app development by using the popular tech stacks for backend and frontend. These are Python-Django, .NET, MEAN, Ruby on Rails, MERN, and so on. Therefore, selecting a popular stack is always in the favor of startups.

Invest in an MVP

One of the most crucial parts of the development process is investing enough time, money, and attention in the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). 

This is a skeleton of your going to-be business app which displays only the most crucial features of the app and demonstrates how it will function in the most basic manner.

Many companies strategize to release the MVP of their app to the limited and targeted users to test the waters. Depending on the response and feedback, they can move forward with their app idea. An MVP costs way less than creating a fully-functioning mobile app right away.

This eliminates any chances of risks with your actual app and you can sail smoothly with your app into the market.

Pick your customization areas

As appealing as it sounds, going all-in with customization for every aspect of your app will only add more zeros to the final cost. What we suggest is for you to be selective. 

For instance, we know that customized UI works as a magnet for users as it enhances user experience, so if you are opting for customization for this spect, you might want to avoid other types of customizations such as custom functional services (push notifications, GPS integration, etc) or a custom app infrastructure.

The best practice for mobile app development is to stick to the basics first and preach simplicity in the beginning. You can always start this way and then keep on improving the app in the later stages. This way, you will not have to depart from a load of capital at once.

We advise you to use ready-made designs developed with UIO building tools or code fragments.

Tip: The last one is more basic though. If you wish to go native in the beginning and only target one platform, the decision weighs a lot in terms of importance. It is something you should thoroughly consider. Do your appropriate market research and identify which targeted audience is ideal for you and for what reasons. 

If you strategize well, plan everything, and make choices with an open mind, we are sure you will be able to save a lot of bucks on mobile app development without compromising the quality of your product.

Extra Read: Is App Development Outsourcing Midas’ Touch For Startups And Small Businesses?

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